Saturday, October 13, 2012

Socialism NEEDS the Free Market

Socialists say they HATE the free market, or “capitalism,” as they call it derisively. But what they don’t say is socialism NEEDS the free market in order to have earned money to steal so as to survive. Without the money EARNED by people in the free market, socialists have no money or property to STEAL and “redistribute.” That’s a question they never answer: “Where does the money come from under socialism?” That’s because they can’t. They just start calling you names. Socialism is a system that emphasizes mediocrity. They want “a fair share for everyone,” even those who can’t (or won’t) earn for themselves. Yes, it’s right to help those who CAN’T help themselves because of old age or illness, or infirmity, but to “help” able-bodied people who just will not work is silly and wrong. They don’t deserve a “fair shake.” The trouble with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of "other people's money." (Just common sense)

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