Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Obama Never Learns:

He did it again. He gave $249 million to another “green energy company” and it’s going broke. “Battery maker A123 Systems Inc. (makers of rechargeable batteries for electric cars) filed for bankruptcy protection on Tuesday, a little over three years after it received a $249 million grant from the Department of Energy to build its U.S. factories while being hailed by Obama as "the future of our country.” And he’ll do it again and again. After all it’s not HIS money, it’s yours. He still thinks he’s right. It’s only through mismanagement these companies have gone broke. It doesn’t occur to him that the whole CONCEPT might be wrong and he’s “throwing good money after bad.” Look for him to finance more and more “green energy” companies and lose even more of YOUR money. It must be nice having billions of other people’s money to throw around without ANY criticism, except for people who criticize EVERYTHING you do; and that can be discounted. (The Blaze)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, obama is right. Bankruptcy is the future of our country if he is re-elected!