Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Obama: "Confront Roots of Muslim Rage"

That's what Obama told the United Nations. My question is, “WHAT roots?” He’s a damn fool if he believes that crap Islamic terrorists spout about the “roots of Muslim rage.” There is only ONE “root of Islamic rage,” and that’s the fact that the entire world is not Muslim! That’s what drives them to murder innocent people all over the world. They want their so-called “religion” to be the ONLY one in the world or they will KILL the people who oppose them. Obama does not understand this because he is, while he may not be a Muslim, per se (or at least not publicly), he IS a Muslim SYMPATHIZER. There is no way we can “confront the roots of Muslim rage” because there is only ONE: we are not Muslim. The whole world is not Muslim. And until it is, the Muslim extremists will not be happy. (Mail.com)

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