Saturday, October 20, 2012

Black Mob Attacks "Wrong Guy"

A bunch of black kids high on dope attacked a man (The second attack that night). The first was when they beat up two girls in the park) One problem. The guy they attacked this time was well able to defend himself and killed one of them while injuring the other. Their friends stood around and watched, then fled. Now their family and friends are claiming HE attacked THEM. This is so common that nobody even believes this family's lies any more. The cops weren’t fooled and laid no charges against this man for killing this teenage thug. They thought they would have an easy time of it, but were sorely disappointed. Their families made many racist comments in defense of these child thugs, including saying that if the boys were white, it would be different. Such racist comments have “worn thin” through way too much use. (World Net Daily)

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