Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Incomprehensible Election

It’s impossible to me that Obama should stay as close to Romney as he seems to have in the polls with his MISERABLE RECORD. The only way I can see is that he has seen to it that the polls are “twisted” in his favor, which is easy to do, since the media is solidly in his corner. All he has to do is see to it their questions elicit answers that favor him, while making sure the pollsters OVERSAMPLE liberals in all cases. ALL Americans can’t be that STUPID. Another thing he depends on is the complete LACK of interest by many Americans in politics. They think what the politicians do won’t bother them. My own son says he “has other priorities” and, while he SAYS he “agrees with me,” what he spouts does not. He listens to too many liberal news sources and believes most of what they tell him. That’s what many Americans do, and if they keep it up, we’re DOOMED to become a socialist nation. DON’T  “ignore politics.” That makes it EASY for liberals to lie to you since you won’t know enough to spot the lies. (Just common sense)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good advice.

Also, I have a friend who is working with the Romney campaign. He will be a monitor at one of the polls in OHIO, watching everything that goes on there. He has a direct number to the campaign should he spot anything shady going on during the voting process! He has inside info on how the campaign is going, too. You are right. Romney and obama are not that close. Romney is quite a bit ahead, even in Ohio!

BTW, I read about hoax letters going out to people in Florida from (supposedly) the Supervisor of Elections telling people that their citizenship is in question and not to go to the polls. What do you want to bet there is a direct connection to the obama campaign. Like Ohio, Florida is HUGE in this election, only Florida also has a LOT of Electoral votes - - 29!