Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Why So Hard to Beat Obama?

I’m listening to many people (on Fox News, fergawdsake!) say Romney’s going to have a hard job beating Obama. That the “Obama camp” says Romney is, to them, “a joke” and they see no problem beating him. Why then, are they spending MILLIONS of dollars taking out ads in an effort to “kill Romney?” Why is it so hard to beat a man whose policies have caused us to spend more money than there IS? A man bent on DESTROYING this economy and making this into a socialist country? A man who has appointed DOZENS of “czars” to do his bidding without having to be approved by Congress? A man who has exercised DICTATORIAL powers in his FIRST term? Whose past is “wreathed in clouds” of mystery because he has “frozen” access to any means of finding out ANYTHING about him? A man who WILL NOT release his REAL birth certificate to prove he is an American citizen when American citizenship is a REQUIREMENT to even BE PRESIDENT? A man who denies that we're even in a war with radical Islam and won't even let members of his administration say so? A man who FAVORS Islam in everything he does regarding radical Muslims?

A man whom all but his henchmen agree MUST be removed in order for us to survive? A man who has PROMISED to "bankrupt the coal industry," an industry we MUST have if we are to continue to have electricity, and without having ANYTHING to replace it. I think it’s all Obama’s doing. He has presented such a (phony) “united front” that he has people convince that it will be hard to unseat him when it will not be? Is he “whistling past the graveyard? Is he FRIGHTENED that he will be soundly defeated, yet afraid to admit it? I think he is, and that he will be SOUNDLY defeated in the general election, though I’m not sure how much better Romney will be. Though ANYBODY will be better than Obama. The "rent is too damn high" guy from the last election who gave us a lot of laughs) could beat him. Frankly, I’m surprised he hasn’t been assassinated before now. Maybe it’s the insurance policy he has in all the liberals who follow him in line. If we’re smart, we can get rid of him without assassinating him. Hopefully we can send him back to Chicago with the rest of the “Chicago thugs” with whom he’s used to being associated; wait a minute! He brought them with him and made them into his “czars!” He left, or sent others back to Chicago to “rule” in his absence. (Just common sense)

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