Thursday, April 26, 2012

Showing His Stupidity (Again)

Obama says (through one of his idiots) that “the war on Islamic terrorism is over.” He actually thinks that killing a few of their top people will win this war. I got news for him: it won’t be over until ALL the Islamic extremists are dead. Whenever we “cut off their head,” another one will pop up and they will keep on wantonly killing us, with even more regularity if we don’t stop them. Damn, we need to get rid of this ignorant b-stard before he GIVES this country away. Frankly, I think he has already done it. It might be too late. There might not be anything the Republicans can do to stop what he has put in motion. Maybe we can only hope to slow it down. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more BLIND president. He only sees what he WANTS to see, for his own purposes. (Conservative Byte)

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