Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Socialism Is NOT "An Imperitave"

Communists say, “socialism is an imperative.” It is NOT. It is the free market, which communists and socialists (a repetition, there) hate, that is the only reason why this country has exceeded (in little more than 300 years) the progress made by countries that have been around for THOUSANDS of years,. It is the reason people from countries all over the world see America as “the destination of choice” to better themselves. To say socialism is an imperative shows ignorance if they believe it, and STUPIDITY if they are just saying so. Collectivism, in any of its many forms, (socialism, communism, progressivism, Naziism, etc.) failed abjectly in Russia, which was, for a time, their “showcase country” because it SEEMED to be working—until it failed because it couldn’t keep up with us. Socialism does NOT create new wealth; it merely REDISTRIBUTES that earned by others to those who do NOT earn. That’s the fatal flaw in socialism. Sooner or later they run out of other people’s money to steal and redistribute. Then they fail, as did Russia. (The Blaze)

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