Sunday, April 29, 2012

Putting A Bounty on Zimmerman A Crime

The "New Black Panthers" put a $10,000.00 “bounty” on Zimmerman, “dead or alive.” Makes you wonder what they’ll do to him if somebody DELIVERS him for the bounty, doesn’t it? Will the law be enforced on the “New Black Panthers,” who are Attorney General Holder’s “people” and Obama supporters? Not likely. This government seems to enforce ONLY the laws they like, rather than ALL of them, as they pledged to do when they were sworn it. Obama even went so far as to SUE the State of Arizona for having the temerity to make a law to FORCE the feds to enforce their own immigration laws, which he REFUSES to enforce. That’s against the law. But unfortunately the law it is against has no provision to PUNISH the offender so he gets away with it. (Just common sense)

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