Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Obama Will Say and Do Anything

“Lying. Dissembling. Peddling half-truths. Redefining words. Taking credit for something in which he had no part. Those words/phrases describe what President Barack Hussein Obama has said or done and is now saying or doing.” One example is his pushing of the “Warren Buffet Rule.” That’s based on “dissembling.” Dissembling is a LIE based on misinformation. The misinformation in this case is that Warren Buffet’s secretary is taxed on her EARNINGS from her job, which is a lot higher rate than Buffet is taxed on his PROFITS and CAPITAL GAINS. The “dirty little secret” is if his secretary sold her house and profited from it, she would pay taxes on that sale at the SAME RATE as he pays. That’s the lie. She is eligible to pay at the SAME rate in a similar situation. Obama says lowering the marginal tax rate was supposed to create an economic boom, but didn't. Hey, Barack, it DID. It caused sufficient increase in the economy to almost DOUBLE the "tax take." But don't tell that to Obama or anybody who supports him. They won't hear it. (W. A. Beatty/American Thinker)

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