Wednesday, September 30, 2009

"Times That Try Men's Souls"

That’s a direct quote from Thomas Paine, the man who wrote “Common Sense,” a pamphlet that sparked the American Revolution and created one of the best countries in the world. One that grew so fast, civilizations thousands of years old have not been able to keep up with it. Why? Because it was based on liberty and capitalism, rather than dictatorship and collectivism, as most others are. Again, these ARE “the times that try men’s souls,” with Obama gaily going about spending more money than there is in the world while piling up a mountain of debt our grandchildren and great grandchildren will have to pay. We’re getting close to another American Revolution, folks. I hope it isn’t necessary, and doesn't happen in my lifetime, but something needs to be done to “rein in” this jerk. In his 96 minute long rambling speech to the UN, Moammar Khaddafy (however he spells it this week) said he’d like to see Barack Obama president of the United States forever; as he (Khaddafi) is in Libya. What a horrible thing to contemplate! If that happened, there WOULD be another revolution in this country, and somebody would surely hang Obama, as well as many of the criminals he has appointed to high office. (Just common sense)

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