Thursday, September 17, 2009

The REAL Racists

“Martin Luther King fled the scene. He took to his heels and disappeared, leaving it to others to cope with the destructive forces he had helped to unleash. And I hope that well meaning Negro leaders and individuals in the Negro community in Washington will now take a new look at this man who gets other people into trouble and then takes off like a scared rabbit.” This is a statement from Robert (Sheets) Byrd, Member of Congress, on March 28, 1968. Back when he didn’t need to hide the fact that he (a DEMOCRAT was a “Grand Kleagel” of the KKK). The “Obama folks call ANYBODY who disagrees with Obama on ANYTHING a “racist.” Unfortunately for him, the REAL racists have historically been in the Democrat Party. (Rush Limbaugh) “Racist extrordinary (according to the Democrats).

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