Saturday, September 26, 2009

Iran Wants to Be Russia

Russia (a/k/a: The Soviet Union) is no more. At least as a major power, anyway. Iran wants to take over that role in the world. They’re following the same template Russia used to intimidate other countries, including subverting other countries in many ways, and parading their weapons in public. Even weapons they know are non-operational. They still look frightening, especially to largely unschooled and ignorant Iranians and others in the Middle East where education is spotty, at best. What they apparently don’t know (even though they try to convince their people it is true) is that their actions put them squarely in the “target zone.” We don’t yet consider them enough of a threat to “target” them. But before much longer, we will be FORCED to target them before they are able to target US. Their leaders are plainly insane, and are “working like beavers” to gain nuclear weapons (no matter how much they insist they’re not). When they do, we have no doubt they will hasten to use them, and when they do, we will be forced to ”take them off the map,” even if it does kill millions of innocent people who happen to live in their country. They think we will hesitate because of this, but we will not. (Yahoo News/AP)

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