Sunday, September 6, 2009

There's A Good Reason

Obama is blaming the Republicans for the fact that his socialized medicine swindle is in trouble. He says it’s “that ol’ bugaboo and boogieman,” the Republican Party, who want to kill it, just like they killed Clinton’s swindle. In one way he’s right. The Republicans, and EVERYBODY “outside the beltway” don’t want ANY PART of what he’s trying to stuff down our throats, just as they didn’t want Clinton’s swindle. Many in his own party don’t want it. America simply doesn’t WANT socialized medicine. He says the “public option” only “levels the playing field” and gives us another option but it does not. It cannot “level the playing field when it “stacks the deck” in favor of the government’s “option” by pitting private insurance companies, which MUST make a profit to survive, against the government “option,” which DOES NOT. Why don’t people REALIZE this? This country is BROKE. How does he expect to PAY for his grandiose schemes? He can’t. That’s the mostly ignored factor that makes everything else a moot point. He has ALREADY promised more than there is money in the WORLD to pay for. There is NO WAY he can tax us enough to get enough money out of us to do it. So why is he doing it? To gain more POWER over us, that’s why. That’s the simplest reason of all. (Just common sense)

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