Thursday, September 24, 2009

Khaddaffi Speaks

And the UN listens (those few who stayed, anyway). He’s speaking now (as this is written) to the UN, and Fox (which the liberals say is “far right wing") has it on. I had to mute it because I got tired of saying, “Shut up, stupid!” over and over as he expounded in his stupidity to an equally stupid audience at the UN. He doesn’t even know how to smile! Or maybe his mother’s warning came true and his face froze in that stupid expression. He doesn’t even know how to use a teleprompter. All he has is his little booklets, in which he has a hard time finding the idiocies he’s spouting. There are many pauses as he searches through several of them while the delegates wait to hear more of his rambling idiocies. I think the UN agreement we signed that allows any thug and murderer who happens to have “taken over” a tiny country to speak such things on our soil was the stupidest thing we ever did (He says the Somali Pirates are NOT pirates, among other things. WE are the pirates, he says.). Rejecting the original “League of Nations” was a smart thing to do. But then our stupid liberals later succumbed to their ignorant ideas and okayed the UN, a “league of dictators” who want to rule the world. Fortunately, the UN has proven to be largely impotent. It’s mostly a “debating society for dictators.” (Just common sense)

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