Friday, February 27, 2009

"A Chip on His Shoulder"

Yes, a cartoonist did a cartoon in the New York Times showing a monkey being shot as a metaphor for the “monkeys” in Congress who passed Obama’s “stimulus swindle” without ever reading it (This was the week after a monkey WAS shot by police after he attacked his owner’s friend and a police officer). To view this as racist (as race-baiter Al Sharpton does) is ample evidence that people like him have a “chip on their shoulders” and are trying HARD to convince the rest of us that “racism is still rampant in the land” by “finding” racism where it is not (It's funny that no one else saw it that way until Sharpton told them to do so). If you spend all your time HUNTING for racism because that’s your “stock in trade” and has made you millions of dollars, you can find it, even if you have to “parse” every statement (visually OR in print) to find it. (Just common sense)

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