Sunday, February 8, 2009

War is Bad

I agree. If we could live without war, we should. Unfortunately, there are people in this world who want what is ours; what WE have earned, and they’re willing to kill to get it. Or they want to RULE us. As individuals, we call these people criminals and send them to prison; but when a government (not ours) does it, we call it war (If ours does it, we call it socialism). When people (even those not conn3ected to any government, but who are organized enemy combatants)) decide to take what we have earned, and are willing to kill to accomplish it, we MUST “go to war” to stop them. If we don’t, they will simply TAKE whatever they want. “War haters” are correct. I hate war. I wish we could live without it. Bit sometimes it is NECESSARY. The best way to answer people who say war should NEVER be entered into is to go up to them and hit them in the chops. See if they will hit you back. If they don’t, hit them again, and start reaching into their pockets and taking what you want. See if they try to stop you or just “give it up.” (That’s the INDIVIDUAL definition of war) If we could live without war, I’d be the first to support it. But we can’t. If we really tried, we’d lose everything. (Just common sense)

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