Wednesday, February 4, 2009

George Bush is STUPID!

He must be. The liberals say so. In that case, how does he keep beating their butts every time he goes up against them even while otherwise good people repeat the liberal lie that he is? He is so stupid that he went against liberal "superior knowledge" that tax cuts hurt the economy by keeping liberals from being able to spend YOUR money by letting YOU keep more of it and invest it in the things in which YOU want to invest it. He's so stupid he REDUCED the tax base and by so doing created more investment opportunities for all Americans by INCREASING the tax "take." But the liberals, in their so-called superiority, are fighting his tax cuts, "tooth and nail," trying to get every American who pays taxes a $69 billion (with a "B") tax INCREASE. If this happens, among other things, you will again be subject to the "Marriage Penalty," which means it is better to "live in sin" or pay more taxes. You will again be subject to the "Death Tax" on grieving families, making the government your biggest heir at your death. The liberals are your ENEMIES. If you allow them to rescind the tax cuts George Bush got for you, it will be YOU who are stupid. Liberals are launching a relentless crusade to kill these tax cuts by painting them as "un-American." Hillary (Screech) Clinton says cutting taxes "goes against our values as Americans." (What bull droppings!) Liberal pundits claim Bush's tax cuts are "disastrous," even though they've helped create more than 5 MILLION JOBS since 2003. They’re now trying to blame Bush for the “economic slowdown” THEY created in order to help the Democrats (liberals) take over power in Washington again. I hope it doesn’t last ANOTHER 50 years. (Inspired by the Heritage Foundation)

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