Saturday, February 7, 2009

People Smoke; Get Used To It

They also have sex without condoms and thus have children out of wedlock. Get used to THAT, too. That’s what the New York Times says. They equate single motherhood with “normality,” but what about smoking? They CHOOSE to make smoking a “bad thing” while defending single motherhood. Maybe it’s because the editors are “single fathers” and they forget that “single motherhood” requires the cooperation of “single fathers.” Single motherhood COSTS the government a LOT of money, where smoking costs them a LITTLE money. But they knowingly took on that responsibility when they passed socialist measures that required the government to pay for the medical treatment of those who cannot afford to pay for their own, REGARDLESS of whether or not their actions contribute to that. I‘m tired of hearing about how much people’s actions cost the government so they get the right to CONTROL those actions. They CHOSE to take on those responsibilities. Now they’re whining about it. (Ann Coulter)

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