Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Where Are Obama's Millions Coming From?

Mostly from people who can't afford to "invest" in a political campaign. At least, that's what they want us to think. In reality, it is coming from people who want to influence his actions after he becomes president; and some of those people are from other countries. These people channel money through "money launderers" into his campaign and give money to paupers to "give" to Obama. Even the Communist Party USA has "endorsed" Obama. That should tell you something about him, right there. I note again the ad to the "left" of this item in the link below: pictures of a "mean-looking Arab Sheik," George Bush, and a British Petroleum logo; none of which are the REAL people responsible. There are several choices when you go to the vote page, but again, none of them are the American Congress. It is the American Congress, that has been opposing domestic drilling AND refining and thus, depressing supply, forcing prices higher and higher who are responsible. But they don't want you to know that. (News Max)

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