Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Obama Offers "Economic DOOM!"

That's DOOM, with a "D. Not "boom," with a "B". "Have you tried to count up the total dollars it would cost this country to do everything Obama is offering to do? There aren't enough dollars IN this country to accomplish it all! Like most pro-socialists, Obama hasn't tried to count it up, either. He figures he can always raise taxes (make YOU, the "earners" of society pay) enough to pay for all the "bread and circuses" he's offering to those who want the government to give them as much as possible and can't see the consequences. If we elect McCain, we'll probably get much the same, only it will differ in SPEED. Obama will move us closer to complete socialism a lot FASTER than will McCain, but rest assured, both will do it. (Dick Morris)

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