Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I Wondered How Long it Would Take Them

Russia has invaded tiny little Georgia and has killed many people. Looks like Putin and the other KVD'ers running things there are back on the attack on their neighbors. They tried real hard to look like they had changed when "communism failed" there by allowing many "Iron Curtain countries" their "freedom." As Mikhael Gorbachev, the then Soviet Premier told the ruling congress, "it is all a façade to allow the West to go to sleep." Now I guess they don't care if we wake up. Nobody seemed to notice that the SAME people were "in charge" after "the fall of communism" while claiming not to be communists any more. Meanwhile, they were still a SOCIALIST nation. (Communism and socialism are merely two different kinds of COLLECTIVISM where they TAKE from the EARNERS and GIVE to the NON-EARNERS to keep themselves in power. If you don't notice the similarity between this and what is currently happening in the U. S., you're just not paying attention. We're halfway there now, and if we elect somebody like Obama, we'll move much faster in that direction. Remember, the people who supported the Bolsheviks thought they had something really good. They didn't know what communism was, and how it would ruin their lives for 70 years. They found out the hard way. Let's not do that. (Yahoo News)

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