Thursday, August 28, 2008
What Ignorance At CNN!
Dog and Pony Show
I just hope all the politicians survive all the drinking and partying at our expense. It's also a podium from which the Democrats (and their accomplices) can say "good things" about their lame candidates and be taken seriously, just as if what they were saying was important. And there is going to be "more of the same" all next week, and the "sound and fury" will continue right up to the election. The only problem with this so-called "free society" of ours is the election process, which has not stopped since the LAST election in 2006. People wonder why I'm not right in the middle of it, since this blog is all about politics. The answer is, these "shows" are NOT politics. They're a "show" for "the masses," to convince us they're important. What IS important is what these politicians DO after they get elected, and THAT'S what I cover, bringing you news and info the liberal press means to keep from you. (Just common sense)
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Insight Into the Liberal Press
Cocksure, But Ignorant and Arrogant
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Success Envy
Hybrids Only
Monday, August 25, 2008
Why Ed Koch (a Democrat) Supports Bush
Female Islamic Terrorists?
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Teaching Terrorism
Avoiding Being Specific
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Twisting Facts
I've finally found out what Doonesbury is good for, if anything. It's showing you graphically how to "twist the numbers" and "knock" Fox in the bargain. Fox News has always, since it was started, been the liberals' favorite "evidence" of media bas "in favor of the right. Never mind that ABC, CBS, NBC, Washington Post, New York Times, LA Times, and ALL other news outlets are plainly biased toward the left (with 90% of their newsmen ADMITTING they vote Democrat). This ONE outlet, which they call "biased" because it tells BOTH SIDES of the story instead of just the liberal side, represents "media bias to the right" for them. This strip by Doonesbury shows how the left "creates big figures" for something they IMAGINE, but can't prove. Showing a Fox reporter saying he'll report "both numbers" and let the viewers decide is really stupid, because it makes MY point. Why do I say this? Because it wasn't necessary to IDENTIFY Fox News to make THEIR imaginary point. (Doonesbury)
Intimidating the French
To Destroy the Republican Party
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Dems to Destroy Our Economy
This is the Way They Twist the Law
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Muslims Intimidate Publisher
"The People Want Change!"
He's A "Dead Man"
Monday, August 18, 2008
Solzhenitzyn is Dead
"Defining" Racism
"DEFINING" RACISM: Mallard Fillmore is right again as he shows how liberals streeetttcch the truth to be able to call ANYBODY with which they disagree racist. This is a method they have been using for eons, but it's getting a little thin. People are getting tired of hearing things they never thought of as being racist being described that way. This is how they do it. Simply DEFINE any action or opinion you don't like as racist and stick to your story. Many gullible people who "don't pay attention" will believe you, and "ostracize" the person accused of racism. In some cases, he can even lose his job, as one university president did for saying women might not have the ability to learn that men do. Now THAT'S a stretch. I don't believe it, but to get a man fired for saying it is a stretch and an irresponsible application of power. (Mallard Fillmore)
It's The Wrong Purpose
Sunday, August 17, 2008
A "Nation of Thieves"
Why Are There Still "Poor?"
Friday, August 15, 2008
"Tabloid Trash" Is True
"Let Them Eat Dog Food!"
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Obama Lies, Nobody Cares
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
I Wondered How Long it Would Take Them
Will We EVER Learn?
Where Are Obama's Millions Coming From?
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Why NOT Eliminate that Racist "Affirmative Action?"
Olympics Are NOT About Politics!
China Lies About Everything
Monday, August 11, 2008
Saying The Word "Jesus" is Illegal
It Means What it Says
It Isn't Working
Sunday, August 10, 2008
"Creating Criminals"
"Swiftboating" Obama
Fighting City Hall--And Winning
Friday, August 8, 2008
Fuel Prices WILL Go Down!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
"Consent" Searches
Fooling Themselves
"Culturally Appripriate" Health Care
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
So Who Cares Wnat Paris Hilton Says?
Obama Offers "Economic DOOM!"
Environmental Disaster
The environmental crazies have way too much influence over Congress and are directly responsible for the upcoming "environmental disaster" they've created. "There you go again, accuthing environmentalith for the gath crunch." Yes; there I go again, and I'm getting tired of having to repeat the same thing over and over again while people who "don't pay attention to politics" until just before an election keep voting those liberal Democrat dolts into office again and again because they just DON'T KNOW what's really going on. Professor Walter E. Williams says, "Let’s face it. The average individual American has little or no clout with Congress and can be safely ignored. But it’s a different story with groups such as Environmental Defense Fund, Sierra Club, and The Nature Conservancy. When they speak, Congress listens. Unlike the average American, they are well organized, loaded with cash, and well positioned to be a disobedient congressman’s worst nightmare. Their political and economic success has been a near disaster for our nation." And as long as Congress pays so much attention to them, we will continue to have an "environmental disaster." Now, while making it impossible to build new OIL refineries, they're making it EASIER to build refineries for Ethanol (corn gas). My question is this: If building ONE kind of refinery is bad, what about the other? That's a question they won't answer. CAN'T answer. (Professor Walter E. Williams)
Monday, August 4, 2008
"Fraidy Cat" Obama Flees From Debates
You Can't Shut Us Up!
Friday, August 1, 2008
A Blight On YOU