Thursday, April 3, 2008

Wake Up! Saudi Arabia Is the Enemy!

Yes, they PRETEND to be our "allies" in the "war on terror," but if you loook at recent history, the current increase in Islamic terrorism STARTED when Saudi Arabia and other oil-rich countries became "drenched" in oil money WE helped them get! WE drilled for oil. WE brought it up. THEY "nationalized" the oil companies and stole the profits, then financed the Islamic terrorists quietly. Meanwhile, the "greenies" in our country do everything they can to stop us from drilling for oil anywhere this country runs things. Why? To keep from "blocking Ted Kennedy's view" of the shore when he sails. The article linked below brings proof that what I've been saying all along is true. The current Islamic terrorism didn't increase until oil money started financing it, in Saudi Arabia and other countries where WE have helped them find it, and profit from it. "Ron Wyden, an Oregon Democrat, said the Saudi failure to cut off terrorist funding means that Americans who pay more than $100 a barrel for Saudi oil are in fact bankrolling extremism because wealthy Saudi’s “back-door” their profits into charities that fund extremists, the Los Angeles Times reported." Can it be any more clear? So why does our "government" continue to be "friendly" with Saudi Arabia? (News Max)

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