Saturday, April 12, 2008

I Hate to Keep Repeating Myself

But nobody I ask seems able to understand me when I ask the same question over and over again: "What makes you think a CRIMINAL, whose entire life is dedicated to breaking the law, will OBEY a law that says he can't be armed? I once asked that question of the Denver mayor's (Wellington Webb) press hack and he accused me of "sending him spam." I asked him if he couldn't tell the difference between spam and personal correspondence, but got no answer.) In Philadelphia, the mayor thinks he can just ignore the state and make his own laws and criminals will obey them. In Washington, DC, they want to go into citizen's homes without warrants (asking "permission" and making them out to "have something to hide" if they refuse) to search for the guns the United States Constitution recognizes their RIGHT to own and use for self-protection. But notice when those cops bull their way in, what they're carrying on their hips; a GUN, naturally. It's strange that they must "enforce" unconstitutional laws against gun ownership with THEIR OWN GUNS! Governments that want to become dictatorial know they must first disarm the populace, so they won't be met with guns when they come to steal what's not theirs. What is it about this question that politicians just cannot understand? (SAF)

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