Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Thug Tactics

State Employee/Union Thug
The Michigan Speaker of the House is paying thugs to intimidate people who are signing a petition against his "recession-time" tax increase that is guaranteed to make things in Michigan worse than they are to\day. This is the kind of thing liberals do when they're opposed. They learned it from the Clintons (or did they TEACH it to the Clintons?). Frankly, if I came to sign such a petition and they tried to "hover" over me or call me names they'd be in danger of eating my cane. If they touched me, they'd be committing a felony because I'm 70 years old. Is it any wonder Michigan is in a "state-wide recession?" They SAY these "employees" are doing this on "their own time." Do you believe that? In Michigan, they still buy the liberal notion that to "fix" their financial problems, they need to take more money out of the pockets of people who CREATE wealth, and put it into the pockets of those who only CONSUME wealth (the government). (New Media Journal)

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