Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Guilty Without Evidence

One of the cherished rights enjoyed by Americans is the right to be considered innocent until PROVEN guilty, which is the reverse of how it is done in almost (maybe ALL) other countries. There, if the government (or anybody else) accuses you, you are “guilty until proven innocent.” But here, for most of our existence, the need, on the part of the government, to PROVE us guilty has BEEN the “rule of law.” UNTIL Dumocrat politicians want your scalp. Then they accuse you (WITHOUT proof) of sexual impropriety, and treat that accusation as Gospel, as they did with our most recent Supreme Court Justice. The problem is, with ANY “accusation” of sexual impropriety, no proof is required. Just the accusation is enough to ruin a person’s life. I, myself (when I was in my late seventies, and not much interested in sex), was once so accused, as usual WITHOUT EVIDENCE, when I worked for Avis. The details were so silly that, except for interviewing me, nothing ever came of it, to the credit of Avis.

But imagine what I was thinking, when I was so accused, and that interview was what I thought was going to be the beginning of action against me for something I hadn’t done, nor had ever even THOUGHT of doing. Frankly, there are only two women working there I would ever even consider having anything to do with working there, and I had friendly relations (not sexual) with both. There were also a couple I suspected of making that accusation. One thought every man in the world wanted in her pants. The other was “very touchy” with every man there. The first one was so ugly nobody in his right mind would have wanted to mess with her. The other was better looking, but her attitude would put most men off, including me. The point is, if Avis had pursued those “accusations,” I would have been denied my basic right to “confront my accuser” and I would have been shunned by all other employees, and be forced to resign. All over something that had never happened. Now, some who don’t like what I write will take that and use it in an attempt to discredit me. So be it. Let them do their damndest. At my current age, it will not bother me. (Just common sense)

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