Wednesday, December 12, 2018

A "Divided Country"

There are many who say we are a “divided country.” And they’re right. We are. The Founders INTENDED it to be that way. They designed this government to BE a “divisive force” where opposing ideas can be said, out loud, where such ideas are STIFLED, in other countries. They WANTED there to be “division.” There will always be opinions that differ from ours, and they wanted us to be able to express those ideas freely, without fear of government action against the dissenters. We have always been a “divided country,” and that is a GOOD THING. Healthy disagreement is good. It forces people to defend their own ideas, and that can only be a good thing. Liberals think that is a “bad thing,” because they want to be able to stifle all opposing ideas. They want to be able to CENSOR them, and they have proven that by Facebook and Twitter shutting down the accounts of people with whom they disagree, while college campuses are no longer places where “free thinking” thrives, but are now places where non-liberal voices cannot be heard, lest they be punished. (Just common sense)

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