Wednesday, December 19, 2018

California Gun Fight

Wait—aren’t guns supposed to be mostly illegal in California? How then, did the guys who got in a gun fight in San Bernardino that wounded ten people, with three of them extremely critical condition, get their guns? The cops say both handguns and rifles were involved (though they didn’t use the infamous words, “AR-15,” or “assault weapon”). The perps are still at large, having escaped long before the cops arrived (an old story) to clean up the scene and get rid of the (this time still alive) bodies. It’s an old story. In places where guns are illegal or VERY hard to get for the law-abiding who OBEY laws, lawBREAKERS ignore the laws and get their guns ILLEGALLY, putting us all in danger of being killed by one of their badly-aimed illegal bullets. And the anti-gun fools will predictably politicize this shooting, even before the blood has dried on the ground, demanding even more USELESS laws that do NOTHING to “stop gun violence,” instead of pursuing real solutions, such as finding out WHY people like this do what they do, so these things can be predicted and prevented. But that’s an old argument, and one I’m getting tired of repeating over and over for the anti-gun fools to ignore, while they call me names so they don’t have to answer my questions. (Breitbart)

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