Sunday, July 22, 2012

Someone Let Him In

According to at least one witness, a man let the theater gunmen into the theater by a rear door. Maybe that says he had an accomplice, maybe it does not. Maybe the guy who got up and opened that door was the shooter himself, and he went outside to his car, parked outside, and got his equipment for the shooting spree, and came back in. Did anybody see the guy who opened the door come back in? That’s something to take into consideration. I think he DID “act alone,” and he DID open the door himself to get his equipment. But until he tells somebody something (which he probably never will), we’ll never know unless good police work discovers the truth independent of his statements. I’ll wait to see, myself. I won’t be stampeded into thinking he had an accomplice, though I’m sure this is “fodder” for conspiracy theorists. (WKYC)

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