Sunday, July 22, 2012

Racist Attack On Romney

They’re getting desperate, folks! Since they have nothing else, they’re now attacking Romney for “being too white.” At least that’s what Cliff Chenfield, former boss at George Soros’ “Media Matters” says. Obama said, “elect me and get rid of racism forever.” Except it didn’t, and Obama (and his crowd) is the biggest progenitor of racism in this country today. If anybody merely disagrees with ANYTHING the boss says, they’re labeled as racist. So much so that the label no longer means anything to anybody with a modicum of intelligence. (Washington Examiner)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

obama really is good at calling the kettle black! I expect we will see a lot more of such racist comments from obama because I believe he is starting to see the handwriting on the wall that reads, "YOU'RE FIRED!" He is therefore grasping at straws.