Tuesday, June 12, 2012

What's Wrong With Legalizing Drugs?

The “drug war” has been a colossal failure. All it has done is give the government an excuse to make more and more laws, some of them even unconstitutional, to “fight the war on drugs” while drug dealers and drug cartels keep right on supplying drugs to weak-minded Americans. It has done NOTHING to stop, or even SLOW DOWN the flow of drugs into our schools (right down to grade schools) and our neighborhoods. Being “illegal” forces prices high enough to ensure a huge profit, enough to make it profitable to sell to even tiny children, who must steal from their parents to buy them. What is the result? There are MORE people abusing drugs now than there were when it started. Those wishing to KEEP the “war on drugs” are going say people who want to legalize drugs (like me) just want to keep the drugs coming. Those are the words of a fool. I’ve NEVER used drugs. I’m probably the last person on earth who has no idea what marijuana tastes like (though I DO know what it smells like, after 18 years as a paramedic, scraping addicts off the streets).

I have lost TWO of my children to drugs, (one to booze AND drugs, the other to an overdose) so don’t you DARE tell me I’m somebody who wants the flow of drugs to continue. What I DO want is for somebody to find a good SUBSTITUTE, one that will DO what the “war on drugs” was designed to do: STOP the flow of drugs. Legalizing them will force the price down to the point where the drug cartels and your local drug dealers won’t see enough profit to make the risk in selling them worthwhile. People will criticize me for this, but to them I say, “Do you have anything better?” Something that will WORK? The “war on drugs” certainly hasn’t worked, and has created a lot of violence in addition to killing off their own customers, but they don't care, there are enough new customers to make up the difference. So why should we keep doing the same thing over and over and hoping for a different result? That’s the definition of crazy. Are we crazy? (Raw Story)


Anonymous said...

I cannot think of anything worse than losing a child, much less two. It is so unnatural for them to precede is. Sorry for your loss.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon.: Thanks.