Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Iran's Incompetence

The leaders in Iran, like the leaders in America and almost everywhere else, are incompetent. Their latest stupid statement is this: “Accept our terms—or else.” Or else, what? You’ll send your entire nuclear arsenal, both bombs (or maybe just one), to some city you think you can reach, and hope you’ll still be in existence 30 minutes later? That our current wimpy “leaders” will say, “Oh, well,” and try to “talk to you” again? I admit with Obama in office, your theory MIGHT hold water. But I guarantee you if you do it and Obama doesn’t eliminate Iran from existence, he will DEFINITELY go down to an ignominious defeat in November while we find a president who WILL. The upshot is, Iran will soon cease to exist, even if Obama hasn’t the guts. (Just common sense)

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