Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Killing the Goose...

Obama seems set on “killing the goose that lays the golden eggs.” Liberals (including Obama) are fundamentally incompetent; they hate the very things that FUEL this economy. They hate PROFIT, first of all, which is what keeps the economy moving. Without profits, there is no money for the government to STEAL and “redistribute” to their friends and contributors. They hate all the “big corporations,” whose profits keep this society moving while they (big and small corporations and businesses) CREATE JOBS; something Obama claims to do, but doesn’t. He can’t, except by creating an atmosphere that allows those big corporations, as well as smaller companies, to do so. Government DOES NOT create new wealth; private enterprise does. Government STEALS the profits EARNED by private enterprise under the FREE MARKET. But liberals HATE the free market and want to put CHAINS on it while STEALING as much money it can from the people engaged in it. Does anybody with any intelligence at all wonder why THE WORLD is going bankrupt?

That’s easy: the world is mostly run by liberals (socialists), who are experts at “getting elected,” but not at much else. France, for instance, is bankrupt because of their socialist programs. And when their president cut back on them, which the French had come to view as their right, they got rid of him and elected a socialist, who would continue the programs that PUT them into bankruptcy. Many other European countries are bankrupt and the European Union is about to fail because of similar socialist programs. The “Euro” (the money of the European Union) is about to disappear. This is all because of the INCOMPETENCE of the liberals running things, all of whom regard SOCIALISM in one form or another as “the way to go.” This is their main incompetence and if they're allowed to continue to run things, will cause the entire WORLD to “go under.” This is what Obama wants to bring to us. (Just common sense)

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