Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Coverup Continues

To avoid a “contempt of Congress” citation, our criminal president, now a KILLER president, granted Attorney General Holder “Executive Privilege” over the documents Congress has subpoenaed, so as to cement the coverup over his OWN involvement in the death of a Border Patrol member. The only thing that can save this president from impeachment is the lack of sufficient time left in his tenure to get it done. He WILL be impeached, in the best way possible: by the vote of the people. He still displays “unshakable confidence” in his ability to get re-elected. But I think he and his accomplices are “shaking in their boots” because they KNOW they’re all going to be fired in November. (The Blaze)


Anonymous said...

I wish we could have impeached him but the Senate would never go along so we have been stuck with him. November is his impeachment, or at least I hope. He is the worst president we have ever had, and getting worse by the second. He thinks he can run over Congress all he likes - - and apparently he can because no one is doing squat about it!

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: The key is that nobody has the guts to do anything about his crimes.