Sunday, February 19, 2012

Ain'tcha Glad We Got A Constitution?

In Sweden, if they even HAVE one, it isn’t helping home schoolers who want to keep their children’s minds out of the hands of the government and are teaching them at home. The government is ORDERING them to send their children to state-run schools so they can “properly condition” them to be good socialists. They haven’t been able to do that yet in this country, but they are working hard to gain that power. If they ever do, they will turn out “good little socialists” every day. They’re doing it now to all the kids now going to state-run schools in the United States. People wonder why their children, who have listened to them about what’s WRONG with socialism as children, fight them on it when they get out of school; that’s why. They’ve been thoroughly brainwashed. Thank God I went through school before the socialists gained the power they have, now. And they hate it when I tell the truth about what they’re doing. They’ll be glad when I’m dead, or the time when they figure out a way to silence me and all the others who tell the truth about them. (Home School Association)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They are working on silencing you and anyone who opposes them. Did you see this?

"In letters sent from IRS offices in Cincinnati earlier this month, chapters including the Waco (Texas) Tea Party and the Ohio Liberty Council were asked to provide a list of donors, identify volunteers, financial support for and relationships with political candidates and parties, and even printed copies of their Facebook pages.

Read more:"

The IRS (Inferno Revenue Suckers) even wants to know who volunteers for the Tea Party. Now what do you suppose they are up to.......