Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Obama Shows His Ignorance (Again)

He showed his ignorance many times with comments he has made, including the one last week where he said he has “five years left” as president. But mocking the GOP on the gas price issue is yet another example of his abysmal ignorance and yet another reason why he should never have been elected president. Another is his adherence to collectivism (socialism), which bodes ILL for America. If he has his way, America will replace Russia as the “example” of, and showcase for collectivism, as long as it lasts, though I don’t think it’ll last as long this time as it did in Russia, where they were not used to freedom before the communists came. Americans are used to being able to make their own decisions, not have some nameless, faceless bureaucrat in the Capitol do it for them. Of course, he can kill off all those who oppose him, as Stalin and Lenin did, but maybe not fast enough since most of them, unlike in Russia, have their own guns. (Cowboy Byte)

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