Sunday, February 12, 2012

Raping the Banks (Again)

Democrats raped banks and other financial institutions when they made that scurrilous law, the “Community Reinvestment Act of 1977” that FORCED lenders to loan money to everybody who asked, REGARDLESS of their ability to pay it back, an “exercise in financial madness that was GUARANTEED to create a massive financial crash from the moment it was passed into law, that Democrats could use to “take over the government’ without firing a shot.. They raped them again when they passed the “Dodd-Frank” bill into law (signed by Barack Obama) after Bill Clinton strengthened the original “Community Reinvestment Act.” And his AG, Janet Reno, threatened lending institutions with expensive, if futile, “investigations.” They blamed those victimized banks for the financial meltdown, accusing them of “predatory lending.” What? What is “predatory lending, and who profits outside of the political party that wants to use it to gain more power? Dodd and Frank were at the forefront in the defense of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac the TWELVE TIMES George Bush and the Republicans tried to expose their scam before it was finally exposed and they were “shut down,” just in time to get many Democrats (including Obama) elected. Now Obama, still blaming the banks for what HE has created, is making even more laws to rape them again. (Wikipedia)

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