Sunday, February 12, 2012

Russia Doesn't Care

Assad is MURDERING his own people by the hundreds, even thousands. But Russia doesn’t care; they’ve murdered MILLIONS of their own people in the past, and are still doing it, quietly. They are thugs, not politicians. Putin is “in charge,” and he is one of the chief murderers. When Russia was a communist country he murdered many as the head of their secret police, the KVD (it’s more recent name). He used to be president; now he is prime minister. Next he will be president again. Just as Obama would be whatever was the same as prime minister here if he lost the next election until he could run again for another two terms as president. Does anybody think the current president in Russia is not subject to the direct orders of this prime minister? Russia is slowly moving back toward the complete authoritarian regime they once had as America is moving toward its first since they were under the thumb of Britain. They didn’t learn from its (Russia's) collapse. Putin LIKES having “life or death power” over his “subjects,” as Obama will if he ever gains it. Assad is murdering his people, and Putin is supporting him. Surprise, surprise! (

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think Putin is a child molester, too. Did you see the footage where he stooped down, lifted the little boy's shirt, and kissed his stomach. And did you see how uncomfortable the little boy was with that and the expression on the parents' faces? Who would do such a thing to a stranger's child? A pervert.