Thursday, September 15, 2011

Should We "Settle?"

Many people think we should “settle” for the best, most conservative candidate we can find for whom to vote. When it comes to replacing Obama, ANY of the current candidates that have announced would be better than him. But I don’t think we should “settle” on a RINO. (Republican in Name Only) A Republican who votes for liberal things is not a “conservative” at all, and that (R) next to his name doesn’t make him one. My pick as the best POSSIBLE replacement for Obama is Sarah Palin, but I’m becoming increasingly afraid she will not run. PLEASE, Sarah! Please run! We NEED you to run, and undo everything Obama has done to move us ever closer to socialism. Many people say she has been “damaged” sufficiently that she can’t win. I disagree. The only people who think she is “damaged” have been listening to the rhetoric Democrats and other liberals (some of them Republicans) have been spouting about her. In Doonesbury this morning, they intimated she had had a “relationship” outside her marriage, which is an outright lie. Of course, Doonesbury says “I don’t have to tell the truth; I’m a cartoonist.” But what he says in his cartoons is often TAKEN as truth, whether or not he wants it. (Patriot Action Network)

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