Thursday, September 8, 2011

Liberal (Democrat) Crybabies

Obama has completely destroyed the Democrat Party with his excesses. So much so that all they have left is to cry like babies whose candy has been stolen. The Tea Parties are the “hobgoblin” for them. The “monster under the bed.” But they have no logical answer to the problems in their upbringing that we point out (socialism, free-spending, over-taxation, ignoring OUR wishes, etc.), so they stamp their feet and whine and cry and call us names. They tell us to “go to hell” and call us terrorists and SOBs. They come up with video games where you can KILL Sara Palin, Glenn Beck, and other conservatives. They can’t prove any of their lies, of course; but they rant and rave and lie about us to the media, which laps it up like a thirsty dog at a water bowl and spews it out in every direction. They know we’re going to “tear them a new one” in the next election and no Democrat will be able to be elected to much of ANYTHING for years, unless they can succeed in convincing apathetic Americans of their lies about us. Any time a liberal tells you something bad about us, ask him for detail. “In just what way are we evil?” “What do we do that is so bad?” They want more control over everybody and we want them to have less; they want to tax us into bankruptcy and we want them to be able to tax us a lot less; they want to be able to spend our money (not theirs) like drunken sailors (although drunken sailors are at least spending their own money) and we want them to spend a lot less of our money.

They want to take our money and “spread it around” to those who don’t deserve it and haven’t earned it (did you know that more than 50% of able-bodied Americans pay NO taxes at all, and merely RECEIVE money from the government? That there are people who, even though they pay no taxes receive “refunds?” (The misnamed Earned Income Credit) This has gone too far. Liberals and their “give-away programs” must END. We’ve run out of money; they’ve spent it all, and then some. Now they’re just gaily “printing money” with nothing valuable behind it to give to their friends, and even our enemies. Did you know they’ve given billions of dollars to HAMAS? What other terrorist enemies of ours are they supporting? They’ve “declared war” on the Tea Parties. Okay, we accept that. We have long ago “declared war” on liberals (Democrats) and we’re going to win. Our positions are sound; theirs are not. We have no need to cry and whimper and call them names; they’re not worth it. Let’s just get rid of ALL of them in 2012. It’s the only way we’re going to keep this nation intact. (Just common sense)

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