Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Make Polls Say What You Want

This writer is a liberal, and even HE is confused at the different ranges of opinions shown in different polls. Apparently, he doesn’t realize how easy it is to make a poll say what you want it to say. If you want it to say something to support a liberal position, take it in an area known to be where mostly liberals live, such as New York City. Then there are the questions you ask. You tailor the questions to get the answers you want and allow no other answers. Then, if you get any answers that run contrary to the line you want to pursue, just ignore them. Don’t include them in your report.

This is how the liberal media pushes the liberal template on everything they do. Many times they use such polls to MAKE news. The next thing you do is to twist the headline about your poll to say what you want for all the “headline readers” out there. You know; the people who only read the headlines in a newspaper or on television. In one recent poll. 43% said one think (what the liberals wanted) while 41% said just the opposite. Guess which opinion got more attention in the headline. (CBS News/Coop’s Corner)

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