Sunday, December 5, 2010

What Happened to ACORN?

ACORN was very instrumental in getting Obama and a lot more Democrats elected by their ballot-box stuffing and purposely inaccurate vote-counting activities. They were found to be willing to FINANCE a whorehouse operation and lie to the government to cover it up. They have DISBANDED. But they’re still there, operating under MANY different names, as liberal organizations always do when they’re found out. They reorganize under different names, so we won't know they're still operating. But if you look at the NAMES of the people involved, you can ferret it out. But that's a lot of work, and not many want to do it. That's what they count on. (The Blaze)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Different "Anon" here, who agrees with Thomas. That other anon needs to be less lazy. It does not take that much effort to press the Enter key to cap his words as appropriate. Have some pride.