Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Soros Hits Back

Glenn Beck has been telling the truth about the activities of billionaire George Soros for some time, now. Now Soros is fighting back, calling Beck a “throwback to wild and crazy elements.” Strangely enough, he doesn’t give us any EXAMPLES as to how Beck has lied about him. Maybe that’s because he can’t. Everything Beck has said about him, he backs up with Soros’ own words. It’s hard to defeat someone who uses your own words. Soros used the prophetic book, “1984” to back up his words, which did just the opposite.

Soros WANTS the kind of world described in “1984” so he can be “in charge” and profit. He wants to BE "Big Brother." Soros described Rupert Murdock’s News Corp. (Fox News) as “a very dangerous precedent for the ‘open society’ that has prevailed in the U. S. for 200 years.” Yeah, dangerous: it tells the truth, and presents BOTH SIDES of all things, as the liberal media does NOT. The dinner at which he made these comments was attended by the members of the “elite,” who run this country from “behind the curtain,” and thus hate Beck and all those like him. (The Blaze)

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