Wednesday, December 8, 2010

"Disrespectful to Non-Christians"

How is a Christmas display in a Christian country including the Baby Jesus that has been up for 57 years “disrespectful” to ANYONE? and who cares if it is? In a country that was STARTED by Christians, how could this BE? There are NO displays of Baby Jesus in Muslim countries, and there will never be. Because it’s AGAINST THEIR LAW to represent ANY religion but the Muslim religion. That’s “disrespectful” to ME. That OFFENDS me! Will they put one up because of that? Not a chance! They don’t care what offends me. I’m an “Infidel.” That means they want to KILL me. So why should they worry about what offends me? (The Tree of Liberty)


Anonymous said...

Too many narrow-minded people around these days. I am not Christian or Jewish, yet I am not offended by Christian displays (or Jewish). Those paths are correct for those who follow them.

This time of year is important to people of several spiritualities. I enjoy watching how people observe their important holidays, most of whom do not even know the real historical meanings of the symbolism they use. But it all works for them, so why not? I enjoy watching the 'Light' in their eyes during their celebrations.

No one religion has the market cornered on the Divine Source and it is total arrogance to profess to be the ONE religion. It is a lot bigger than all of us and all of our beliefs combined.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: Absolutely.