Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Politicians Are Incompetent AND Arrogant

That’s a dangerous combination. Obama thinks he is so much smarter than us ignorant constituents that he not only doesn’t need to pay attention to us, he needs to figure out a better way to get it through our thick skulls that what he has done, and what he is going to do is the RIGHT thing. We’re just too stupid to understand it. He just can’t understand that we KNOW that printing money with nothing valuable behind it is stealing the value of the money we HAVE. Or that the government spending our tax money will NOT make the business picture better; or that raising taxes when we’re already in money trouble only takes away MORE money from us, making it harder for us to survive. Politicians (mostly liberal) have been doing stupid, incompetent things for so long, when you point out their stupidities, they call US stupid and keep on doing them.

Yes, what they do is generally good for THEM, and keeps them in power over the rest of us. And that’s what they’re after. Obama, for instance, has said Jimmy Carter was one of our BEST presidents, well knowing he was one of the WORST. But he figures if he keeps saying it often enough, people will come to believe it. I could write on and on, on this subject, with illustration after illustration that people with COMMON SENSE will know is right, but I won’t. They do everything they can to make it hard on the very people who are the ONLY ones who CAN "create jobs," the businessmen whose invested money create the projects that DO create jobs. they tax them at a higher rate, and discriminate against them in every way they can. I know you’re smarter than he and his cronies are and will realize the truth of what I say (I hope). (Just common sense)

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