Thursday, December 30, 2010

Destructive Force

Has it occurred to anyone that ig you look back in the past, one of the greatest “Destructive forces” that ever was, is collectivism in one form or other? They always call it by different names, to fool you when it fails once again. Then they say, “Oh, that was communism, not collectivism!” But it WAS socialism that failed in Russia after 74 years of ruining the lives of many people. Witness the very NAME they used: “Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics.” Then there’s Cuba. One of the longest surviving socialist nations still with a socialist government that Fidel Castro himself says “It isn’t working for us.” But they’re a COMMUNIST government! Yes; communism is just ONE form of collectivism, otherwise known as SOCIALISM. Hugo Chavez, in Venezuela, is the undisputed dictator over a communist-run country. He is still in power only because the United States helped his country find and developed oil, which he “nationalized” (stole) later on. In Argentina,

Evita Peron pushed the idea that socialism was the way to go there. The only reason she didn’t serve as president longer is that she died. But she did manage to ruin what WAS a thriving capitalist eco0nomy by the changes that were put into practice in her name. Collectivism has many names. Among them are socialism, communism, Fascism, Progressivism, and others. Socialists are even now trying to impose progressivism on America, retaking the name after years of being simply “liberals” until people forgot what progressivism really was. The “Progressive plan” for America IS socialism. The Fascism in Italy during the second world war, AND the Nazism in Germany were BOTH forms of collectivism. Mussolini called it “The National Fascist Party”, Hitler called it “National SOCIALISM.” Both were thinly disguised forms of collectivism. Collectivism ultimately DESTROYS any country in which it is used to govern. Russia is just one of the biggest and most recent failure of collectivism. They SAY they are no longer communists, but the SAME PEOPLE run things in Russia as did under the communist (collectivist) regime.

Their current president is the former head of the Soviet Secret Police and, while he tries to be less “strict” than his forebears in that office during the Soviet era, he is still an “authoritarian.” I could name many more examples, but I won’t because I don’t want to bore you. Suffice it to say that collectivism is at the bottom of every failure of a regime, under whatever they call it to fool you. Died-in-the-wool collectivists excuse Russia’s failure by saying they “weren’t collectivist enough.” They say they “didn’t have PURE collectivism” there. That’s a crock. They had as pure a brand of collectivism as there was in Russia, and it failed because collectivism produces LITTLE. They have to be “propped up” by other countries that still have some money left. Russia ran out of countries prosperous enough to prop them up at the same time they were in an “arms race” with the United States, and it was just too much. But the then Premier told their lawmaking body not to worry. “It is just a ‘back step’ designed to fool the American fools. It’s just a ‘cosmetic change.” And it is.

See a failure in the future and it will be evidence of the collectivist influence on that country. Collectivism is the “great killer” of governments, from within. Nikita Kruschev, a former Soviet Premier, once said, “America will drop like a ripe grape into our hands.” It didn’t happen in his lifetime, but it is very close to happening now, and the hands in which this “grape” falls will be collectivist hands if we allow it. We helped it along by electing Barack Obama president in 2008. He is moving us ever faster toward socialism every day, in every way he can. If you don’t believe that, look at what he has “accomplished” and listen to his WORDS. He wants to BANKRUPT the coal industry. He wants the oil business to die, He talks about an “even playing field” and of ways to “spread the wealth.” All collectivist “key words.” I’m sure you can think of others. If we don’t get rid of this man, and of all those he appointed to be his “czars” we WILL soon be a socialist nation. Don’t let it happen. Check out Orwell's prophetic novel, "1984." (George Orwell)

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