Friday, December 31, 2010

"Time" Bought the Hoax

“Global Warming” has been proven, time and again, to be an AlGore hoax that has made him BILLIONS of dollars. Yet “Time Magazine” publishes a story promoting that hoax yet again. AlGore himself has ADMITTED it is a hoax by changing its name to “Climate Change.” A name that allows him to attribute ANY weather anomaly to his swindle. Even President Obama and many of his bureaucrats have bought it, and are busily making more and more regulations and laws they attribute to it. Actually, I don’t think they’ve “bought it.” They’re just using the hoax for their own purposes. After all, Obama’s Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel once said, “Never let a good panic go to waste.” Which means any time something happens that they can blow out of proportion to panic a segment of the population, do it. That allows them to make laws and regulations you wouldn’t allow without the panic. All the statistics they cite in this article are bogus, which you can find out of you do your own research in places not pushing the “Global Warming” swindle. (Time Magazine)

Incompetence In Government

Socialism doesn’t work. But nobody thinks about that as the concoct their grandiose plans to “Take care of us from cradle to grave.” Look at just ONE program: Medicare. The amount of “pay-in” is just about ONE-THIRD of the “payout.” That means the American people only pay in ONE-THIRD of the amount the government pays out. And that’s just ONE program. What about Social Security itself? How abut the new medicine program that is so ill-designed that people who have no money wind up “in a donut hole” when they use up a certain amount of it. None of these “programs” will work, and they COULD have “run the numbers” when they started them. But they didn’t. They figured, “Americans will come up with the money.” They will not. They CAN not. This is the kind of incompetence we see continually in our government.

The same kind we have seen for years in Europe, where they’re now seeing RIOTS from people who have come to consider this kind of “largesse” as “their due.” They’re finding out in Europe that they just can’t afford to give so much of other people’s money away and are cutting back. Meanwhile our incompetent politicians are imitating that which has created so much trouble for them. Word is that Medicare itself will go broke by 2018. I could live that long! And lose my Medicare at the worst possible time in my life. I hope I don’t live that long. Some people say Social Security will go broke in 25 years. Others say that’s bullsh-t. That Congress planned for the “baby boomer” effect. The fact that they didn’t know anything about the “baby boomers doesn’t seem to matter to those with their “rose-colored glasses” on. (Washington Post)

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Destructive Force

Has it occurred to anyone that ig you look back in the past, one of the greatest “Destructive forces” that ever was, is collectivism in one form or other? They always call it by different names, to fool you when it fails once again. Then they say, “Oh, that was communism, not collectivism!” But it WAS socialism that failed in Russia after 74 years of ruining the lives of many people. Witness the very NAME they used: “Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics.” Then there’s Cuba. One of the longest surviving socialist nations still with a socialist government that Fidel Castro himself says “It isn’t working for us.” But they’re a COMMUNIST government! Yes; communism is just ONE form of collectivism, otherwise known as SOCIALISM. Hugo Chavez, in Venezuela, is the undisputed dictator over a communist-run country. He is still in power only because the United States helped his country find and developed oil, which he “nationalized” (stole) later on. In Argentina,

Evita Peron pushed the idea that socialism was the way to go there. The only reason she didn’t serve as president longer is that she died. But she did manage to ruin what WAS a thriving capitalist eco0nomy by the changes that were put into practice in her name. Collectivism has many names. Among them are socialism, communism, Fascism, Progressivism, and others. Socialists are even now trying to impose progressivism on America, retaking the name after years of being simply “liberals” until people forgot what progressivism really was. The “Progressive plan” for America IS socialism. The Fascism in Italy during the second world war, AND the Nazism in Germany were BOTH forms of collectivism. Mussolini called it “The National Fascist Party”, Hitler called it “National SOCIALISM.” Both were thinly disguised forms of collectivism. Collectivism ultimately DESTROYS any country in which it is used to govern. Russia is just one of the biggest and most recent failure of collectivism. They SAY they are no longer communists, but the SAME PEOPLE run things in Russia as did under the communist (collectivist) regime.

Their current president is the former head of the Soviet Secret Police and, while he tries to be less “strict” than his forebears in that office during the Soviet era, he is still an “authoritarian.” I could name many more examples, but I won’t because I don’t want to bore you. Suffice it to say that collectivism is at the bottom of every failure of a regime, under whatever they call it to fool you. Died-in-the-wool collectivists excuse Russia’s failure by saying they “weren’t collectivist enough.” They say they “didn’t have PURE collectivism” there. That’s a crock. They had as pure a brand of collectivism as there was in Russia, and it failed because collectivism produces LITTLE. They have to be “propped up” by other countries that still have some money left. Russia ran out of countries prosperous enough to prop them up at the same time they were in an “arms race” with the United States, and it was just too much. But the then Premier told their lawmaking body not to worry. “It is just a ‘back step’ designed to fool the American fools. It’s just a ‘cosmetic change.” And it is.

See a failure in the future and it will be evidence of the collectivist influence on that country. Collectivism is the “great killer” of governments, from within. Nikita Kruschev, a former Soviet Premier, once said, “America will drop like a ripe grape into our hands.” It didn’t happen in his lifetime, but it is very close to happening now, and the hands in which this “grape” falls will be collectivist hands if we allow it. We helped it along by electing Barack Obama president in 2008. He is moving us ever faster toward socialism every day, in every way he can. If you don’t believe that, look at what he has “accomplished” and listen to his WORDS. He wants to BANKRUPT the coal industry. He wants the oil business to die, He talks about an “even playing field” and of ways to “spread the wealth.” All collectivist “key words.” I’m sure you can think of others. If we don’t get rid of this man, and of all those he appointed to be his “czars” we WILL soon be a socialist nation. Don’t let it happen. Check out Orwell's prophetic novel, "1984." (George Orwell)

"National Security Threat"

What? How stupid does this big-mouthed witch (Michelle Obama) think we are? There’s a drive on about “starving children” while at the SAME TIME there’s a drive on against fat children. Which IS it? Are our kids too fat, or too thin? I personally think both drives are just a way for politicians to scam more money out of the gullible among us. It’s impossible to have a “fat problem” at the same time we have a “starvation problem.” And you’ll notice it is, as always, among “the chilrun.” They create a new panic every day so they can make more and more laws to limit our freedoms more and more, while taxing us to pay for it. What a bunch of jerks! (The Blaze)

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Russians Know Socialism

They’re flocking to the Republican Party because the Democrats are “too socialist.” And it’s not their imagination. They KNOW about socialism. They SAW it rise in their own country and take it over for more than 70 years, until it collapsed because it just doesn’t work. The Communist Party USA itself APPROVES of Obama and his policies! If this doesn’t tell you something about Obama, nothing will. Ayn Rand, a Russian émigré herself, recognized this country’s movement toward socialism many years ago, and wrote her masterwork, “Atlas Shrugged,” to illustrate it to this country. That book changed the lives of many people, me included. But unfortunately, not enough people. If anybody would like a free copy of this book, for just the cost of postage, send me $3.00 and I’ll send you one. Send it to 3879 E. 120th Ave. #272, Thornton, CO 80233. (The Blaze)

Jimmy Carter's Biggest Failure

He says it’s not getting re-elected, but as usual, he’s wrong, and he has no idea he’s wrong. His biggest failure is his entire presidency. That’s WHY he didn’t win re-election. Nobody WANTED him, as they don’t want Obama and more, since they found out what he really was. There is only one president in history (to my knowledge) who is stupider than Carter, and that is Obama. He goes about gaily spending more money than there IS, and he actually thinks he can be re-elected. If he DOES get re-elected, it will be a testament to the STUPIDITY of the American people. I hope they aren't that stupid. (The Blaze)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Death Panels Are Back

Liberals were quick to ridicule anybody who suggested that there were “death panels” in the health care swindle Obama and his crooks imposed upon us. Now it is becoming clear that THEY needed to be ridiculed, because there ARE “death panels” and it is being now made into law. One thing I’ve learned is that any time a liberal denies anything and ridicules people for even SUGGESTING it, it is TRUE. It is a fact that ANYTHING the government controls is eventually going to be “rationed.” Some sooner than others. In this case, they are going to PAY doctors to give people “end of life” counseling. Today it’s voluntary. Soon it will become mandatory. Then people will DIE because life-saving medicines and treatments will be withheld. (Human Events)

Media Bias

Tavis Smiley (PBS) has the dubious distinction of being the WORST of the lot, and the lot is pretty bad. Smiley attributes every act of violence, real or imagined, in the world that cannot be traced to Muslims, to Christians. Mostly because those committing the violence happen to BE Christians. The fact that Christians are not necessarily DIRECTED by their religion to kill people who don’t believe the same way they do while Muslims ARE, doesn’t matter to Smiley. Of course, he lumps “Tea Partiers,” who have committed NO violence and THREATENED none, right in there, continuing the lefty MYTH that the “Tea Parties” are violent without a whit of any kind of proof.

If there is any, I wish he would produce it. Smiley’s record is surprisingly worse than Frank Rich, whom I consider one of the worst when it comes to twisting the news to suit his political bias. Nobody knows about him though, because almost nobody watches or listens to PBS. The only way they stay in business is by the coerced tax money the government gives them. Of course, liberals will not fight these accusations with facts—they have none. They will simply use the “consider the source” defense, which means NOTHING, since THEY are the only ones who think Fox is not to be listened to. (Fox News)

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Protected By Idiots

A bunch of soldiers were coming back from Afghanistan and had been searched thoroughly before ever leaving there. They all had guns, but no bullets. M-14 rifles and some 9MM pistols. Some had M-240B machine guns. They were required to all get off the plane in Indianapolis (which I’m ashamed to say is my home town) and searched again. Why, I don't know. Apparently some nameless, faceless bureaucrat decided to search the men who are REALLY protecting us. One soldier was required to give up his NAIL CLIPPERS because “they could be used as a weapon." Even though the entire group BRISTLED with deadly weapons they were allowed to have on the plane, since they were American soldiers. The TSA agent was asked why the armed soldier needed to give up his nail clippers and the pimply-faced TSA agent who probably had not begun to shave yet answered, “You can use them as a weapon.” Apparently they've never heard of a "butt-stroke." This is how we are being “protected.” I’d rather protect myself. (Just common sense)

Stretching the Law

There are too many cases lately of lawyers “stretching the law” to suit themselves. In one case they’ve stretched the law unmercifully to take a home away from someone who bought it from the (what was then) legal owner. They think they can just take it away from them with NO hearing, NO chance for them to fight it, and they are working to do so, telling the new homeowners they will “have them out before Christmas.” Another such “Stretching of the law” came when the cops confiscated (stole) a car belonging jointly to a man and his wide when he was caught getting oral sex in its back seat. The wife (who obviously had no knowledge of the “crime,”) lost her interest in that car (Just common sense)

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas Again!

You can’t say it often enough. I said it the other day, and now I say it again. “The PC Police” can take it and stick it. This day is dedicated to the birth of Jesus Christ, whether or not you believe in him. It’s the religion of Christians, and reference to it should NEVER “offend” anyone. I am not offended by reference to the symbols of other religions, and I should not be. And members of other religions should not be “offended” by references to someone else’s. Especially Muslims, whose “Holy Book” tells them to KILL anybody who does not believe exactly the same way they do. Today’s Christianity does not, even if they can find an obscure passage in the Old Testament that might be read in such a way that some people might think it does. In any case, it is not a “guiding principle” to Christians. Some non-Christians seem to think they can stop Christians from making reference to their religion by wishing people “Merry Christmas” on this day. They’re wrong, even if some liberal courts disagree. They misread the Constitution to say that government and religion should be separate. That’s wrong. There is NOTHING in the Constitution saying that. So I say again, “Merry Christmas to all!” No matter what your religion. This will be the only post today, as I will be spending time with my family. (Just common sense)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Picking Stupid

Michael Moore, as usual, when presented with two decisions, one stupid, and one logical, chooses stupid. He thinks the Founding Fathers would have been “WikiLeakers” and that we “must support Assange.” How stupid is that? Assange is in the process of getting the people who are helping to protect our country KILLED. How this equates to our “Founding Fathers” being “WikiLeakers,” I don’t know. But then, I don’t pretend to understand the workings of the kind of mind Moore has. Nobody with any sense at all, could. (The Blaze)

Unforseen Results

Sometimes I disagree mightily with Wiley, the guy who draws Non-Sequitur. Other times he’s “right on the money,” such as when his character, “Obviousman” tells the old bearded man with the sign saying “there are no absolutes” that there ARE, thus blowing his mind. This time the strip illustrates how the federal government works: doing the same thing over and over and failing, while saying, “We just didn’t do it enough.” (Non Sequitur)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Left's Scam

We all know Van Jones is a communist. Why? He SAID so in one of his speeches. Can we believe him? Yes. There is no reason for him to lie to us about that. But the left lies to us daily. Van himself tells us this. Watch the video. He thinks he can be very honest with us and we’ll do nothing. They create panics, whip up fright about their panics by pushing them every day, everywhere they can, until the public is DEMANDING a “solution” to the problem.

Then they offer a “solution” to the problem. But we’ll have to “give up some of our freedoms and more of our money” to make it work, of course. They’re doing this all the time, everywhere. Every day there is a new panic, while all the “old panics” are publicized again and again. You think your politicians are not doing this? Think again. They are the biggest users of this scam, and that’s how they whip up support for their unconstitutional laws. (The Blaze)

Soros Hits Back

Glenn Beck has been telling the truth about the activities of billionaire George Soros for some time, now. Now Soros is fighting back, calling Beck a “throwback to wild and crazy elements.” Strangely enough, he doesn’t give us any EXAMPLES as to how Beck has lied about him. Maybe that’s because he can’t. Everything Beck has said about him, he backs up with Soros’ own words. It’s hard to defeat someone who uses your own words. Soros used the prophetic book, “1984” to back up his words, which did just the opposite.

Soros WANTS the kind of world described in “1984” so he can be “in charge” and profit. He wants to BE "Big Brother." Soros described Rupert Murdock’s News Corp. (Fox News) as “a very dangerous precedent for the ‘open society’ that has prevailed in the U. S. for 200 years.” Yeah, dangerous: it tells the truth, and presents BOTH SIDES of all things, as the liberal media does NOT. The dinner at which he made these comments was attended by the members of the “elite,” who run this country from “behind the curtain,” and thus hate Beck and all those like him. (The Blaze)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Merry Christmas Everybody!

Some people are “offended” by the words, “Merry Christmas." They can go to hell. I will not accede to the demands of the “PC Police” and say “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.” Why should I care if atheists, some Jews, Islamics, and followers of other religions don’t like it when I wish them a Merry Christmas? This is a country FOUNDED by Christians and, in which most powerful posts are still held by people who at least SAY they’re Christians. If that offends some people, too bad! I don’t care. Most Jews don’t “get offended” by it, and they don’t try and kill Christianity in a Christian country. So I say, “Merry Christmas,” people, and anybody who gets “offended” by this can go to hell. (The Blaze)

And They Holler "Religious Persecution!"

Islamics are quick to scream “religious persecution” every time something that displeases them happens. At least we don’t go into their Mosques and murder them in wholesale numbers as they do in our churches. We don’t “persecute” them. Sometimes we DO “fight back” when they go out of their way to offend us. Which is all the time. They insist we “observe” THEIR “religious practices,” but they don’t bother to offer the same consideration to us in countries where they run things. In Islamic-run countries, American (Christian) women must wear their required head covering and be escorted by a male when going out. We don’t make similar requirements of them. (The Blaze)

FCC Rushing to Control News

They not only want to control the news, they want to control television, right down to the people who can star in television shows. They THINK the “private sector” can’t be trusted to bring us ALL the news. And they’re right. It can’t. But neither can the FCC, who will make things WORSE, as ALL government interference in our affairs does. Mark my words, if they get control of the news media, shows like Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck, and Sean Hannity will disappear. And your access to REAL news will go with them. Then they’ll go after the Internet. They’re already PLOTTING to take over the Internet before we can destroy their ability to get us to AGREE to let them make this into a “Soviet-style” socialist state. (The Hill)

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Obama Is Destroying the Economy

Why do I say this? Am I just a “crazy?” No; I look at what’s happening and wonder, myself. Obama extends the unemployment another 13 months; why? Why should he have to? Why doesn’t he simply get out of the way and allow the free market to work? What EARTHLY reason would he have for purposely destroying this economy? First of all, he HATES this country and its system. He has made that plain in the many speeches where he takes this country to task for a few real, and many imagined slights on the rest of the world. He tells the world he is “ashamed” of America. The President of the United States does this! But the question is, why would he DO this? The answer is simple.

He thinks socialism (collectivism, communism, Fascism, progressivism, etc.) is what we need, and he’s determined to impose it upon us, whether or not we like it. First, he has to destroy this economy and convince us that the free market does not work. Even though the free market has created a country that is the envy of the world and made of it the destination of choice for EVERYBODY who wants to better themselves. A “bulwark against poverty.” He means to destroy that to prove his point. He is a collectivist through and through. He was BORN in a communist family, inculcated by communist ideas throughout his life, and told that communism or any other form of socialism is the ONLY way to go.

He BELIEVES that crap! He believes he has a MISSION to bring collectivism to us, in spite of hell. This is why he is destroying this economy. Don't believe that? The Germans didn't believe it about Hitler' the Russians didn't believe it about Lenin. The same reason Lenin helped destroy the economy of Russia and created the “Soviet State. The same reason Hitler created National Socialism. The same reason Mussolini created Fascism. The same reason Fidel Castro created the communist “paradise” in Cuba that he himself now admits doesn’t work, and the same reason the socialists in this country created progressivism. They do everything they can to promote their own particular brand of collectivism including lies, theft, and murder. (Just common sense)

Liberals Fixated on "Plame Leak"

And there were no0ne. Valerie Plame had not been a “covert agent” of the CIA for NINE YEARS when she was “outed” NOT by Vice-President Dick Cheney. But liberals still use it whenever they are “caught out” themselves, as Alec Baldwin was when he talked about WikiLeaks and Assange. The fact that there is no kind of connection between the two seems to escape him. But this is Alec Balwdin, sponsor of some of the funniest left-wing idiocy there ever has been in the past. What kind of a cave people like Baldwin live in is beyond me. You’d think someone like Baldwin would at least have a television set, or the Internet, and be able to at least ACCESS the truth, from SOMEWHERE. (News Busters)

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Take Kids Because of "Oath Keepers"

The “child protectors” have done it again! They’ve taken a man’s children because he was a member of the “Oath Keepers,” an organization that insists that government employees KEEP the oaths they took. What the hell is wrong with that:? The “child protectors” will use ANYTHING they can to support their unconstitutional and illegal “taking” of people’s children. They falsely told my own mother the wrong date for a hearing on taking my own children more than 30 years ago after I dutifully showed up at hearing after hearing, only to have it postponed. They had NOTHING they could show against me, but used the fact I didn’t show up for that last hearing as an excuse to take my two boys, anyway. I haven’t seen, nor spoken to them since, even though I was found guilty of NOTHING, never even ACCUSED of anything. They LIED, then took my children, for NO REASON. Is it any wonder I hate the very ground these evil people walk on? (Oath Keepers)

We Got "Gravitas"

Remember when the Democrats opined that “none of the Republicans running for president had ‘gravitas?’ “ Whatever THAT means. Well, let’s look at a few things that people they figure DO have “gravitas” have visited upon us: The TSA’s scanning and groping system; Obamacare; Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and the mortgage crisis; Our tax code; Our federal and state budget deficits; Our (purposely failed) immigration system. We need gravitas, because gravitas has worked so well so far.” (Stolen from ProfessorWilliam Jacobsen, Associate Professor, Cornell Law School)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

From Crisis to Crisis

This country goes from crisis to crisis every day. Each day a new crisis arrives on the scene and is announced. Some crises even are the OPPOSITE of one another, but that doesn’t stop those who USE those crises to advance their agendas. There is a reason for this. It’s called the Hegelian Principle. It is this principle our politicians use to get us to AGREE to things we would not ordinarily agree with. It involves 3 points, and has been used for many years:

1: CREATE A CRISIS: It doesn’t matter what, just create it, or expand an existing crisis beyond recognition; 2. PUBLICIZE THE CRISIS: Every day a new crisis is announced and the publicization begins. They pound it and pound it every day until the people DEMAND a “solution” to the crisis; 3. OFFER A SOLUTION: One that allows the government to take away a few more rights, while adding one or more new taxes (to pay for it). One of the “crises” we’re seeing today is the “fat children” crisis Michelle Obama is pushing. She says there are way too many fat children and it has even gotten to the point where it is a “national security problem.”

Meanwhile, others are screaming about “child starvation” in a country that has more food than any other country in the world. A country in which NO child should ever be starving because there is still PLENTY of food to go around, and many programs in place to feed anybody who doesn’t have enough food. These “crises” oppose one another, but they don’t care. They “play on your heartstrings” and talk about their individual “crisis” every day as if the other didn't exist. Notice in both cases it’s “the chilrun” who are suffering. It’s ALWAYS “the chilrun.” Don’t let them manipulate you this way. (Just common sense)

Democrats Give Us the Finger

They’ve spent the last two years since they “took over” the government doing it. Now they’re doing it for real. They thought that since they controlled two of the three houses of government, they could spend as much money as they could get away with, and that’s a lot. They’ve managed to spend more money than there IS. More money than has been spent by this government since its inception. Meanwhile, they’re surreptitiously giving us the finger. (Just common sense)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Typical Democrat Arrogance

Obama’s “press hack,” Robert Gibbs (Fibs) says the unconstitutionality of part of Obama’s health care swindle will not have a “practical impact” on Obamacare. What? Are they going to just IGNORE the courts? AND the Constitution? In the biggest defeat (so far) for the Obama administration, a federal court declared the provision that FORCES people to buy health insurance of pay a fine to be unconstitutional. But he thinks it won’t have a “practical impact” on the enforcement of the law? What arrogance! For my part, I will NEVER buy health insurance on orders from the government, and I will NOT pay a fine for not doing so. So jail me. (The Blaze)

Will the Liberal Media Cover This?

Bob Decheine, chief of staff to Steve Rothman, (D-NJ), has been arrested (and fired, surprisingly) for soliciting sex from a minor, according to the cops in Gaithersburg, MD. But will you ever hear about this in the New York Times? Or any other liberal media outlet? Doubtful. I’m surprised he even got fired, since he was working for a Democrat. In this world where a top Senator (Teddy Kennedy) could murder his pregnant girlfriend and get nothing more than a six-month driver license suspension (which isn’t much for a rich man who is usually driven around in a limousine), who could famously join yet another Democrat Senator (Dodd) in the now famous “waitress sandwich,” how does an aide to a Democrat get fired for soliciting sex from an underaged girl? I presume it was a girl, but with (D) Barney Frank still in the Congress, I wonder. (The Blaze)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

74% Doctors to Quit!

If Obama’s health care swindle stands. I don’t blame them a bit. Obama’s health care swindle will make it virtually impossible for them to make a living, let alone any money more than that. The measure FORCING people to buy health insurance has already been declared unconstitutional and covering pre-existing conditions has already caused many insurance companies to go out of the health insurance business. As time goes on, many more drawbacks from this legislation will become apparent. (The Lonely Conservative)

Insufferable Insult

The promoters of the “Ground Zero Mosque” want to use American taxpayer dollars in its construction. This is an insufferable insult to every innocent person who died there on 9/11, plus to EVERYBODY the Islamic terrorists have MURDERED since. Is there ANYBODY up there THINKING? I understand there is “serious consideration” being given to their application for FIVE MILLION DOLLARS from the U. S. government. Who up there is this STUPID? Don’t they know a majority of Americans are unalterably OPPOSED to this Mosque even being BUILT in this location? If it ever gets built, with or without American taxpayer help, I guarantee it will become a TARGET for the crazies who think violence is the answer to everything they don’t like (those who are not Muslims, anyway). (Live Shots)

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Huffington Lies Again

She calls Glenn Beck’s “attack” on George Soros “pure, unadulterated fantasy.” But, as usual, she presents no PROOF of anything. Beck does. He uses Soros’ own words to show him for what he is. His supporters have nothing to use in discrediting Beck, so they try the ridicule route, knowing they have NO proof of ANYTHING untoward in Beck’s presentation. What is true is that Beck is RIGHT. He has PROVEN his case. They have not, and CANNOT. Soros himself attacks Beck, but HE also was unable to show any PROOF Beck is wrong. (The Blaze)


There’s a lot of that going around. First, the economy. Caused by a very shortsighted law forcing lenders to loan money to people who couldn’t ever repay it, supported by Fanny and Freddie, who “bought up” those bad loans to “keep the lid on” until it was “needed” to ensure a Democrat win in the 2008 election, and many other examples, for instance, the Minneapolis MetroDome, which collapsed because of heavy snowfall. It was built in Minnesota, where they KNOW the snowfall is going to be heavy, and made the roof out of some sort of canvas, FLAT, and not designed to shed snow. It has collapsed three times in the past, and still was not redesigned to withstand double digit inches of snow, as Denver’s DIA airport roof is designed to do (I think). There are many other examples of incompetence on the part of the people “running things” in this country, but I won’t mention them all (I couldn’t; there are too many). We need to do something to make sure the people we put in charge have at least a basic knowledge of what their job will entail. (Just common sense)

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Hidden in Plain sight

The so-called “New World Order,” once something to be whispered about in “conspiracy circles” and not believed elsewhere, is now openly urged upon the world by top-level politicians. Presidents actually openly speak before the Council on Foreign Relations and other NWO organizations. They think that now since the President of the United States is a communist, born of communists, and who SAYS communist things such as “redistribute the wealth,” “tax the rich,” and other mainstays of the socialists, they need no longer hide what they are. George Soros is not a communist. He IS a collectivist who has more money than he can spend in his lifetime. He’s eighty plus years old and won’t be with us much longer, but he seeks what he HOPES all his money will buy, the POWER to tell others what they may or may not do.

At a recent meeting in Washington sponsored by liberal (collectivist, socialist, Fascist, progressive) politicians, communists and socialists paraded themselves with huge signs proclaiming their communist and collectivist ties. They think they no longer need to hide it, as they did in the 40s and 50s. McCarthy was right. The government, at the time, was RIDDLED with communists and other kinds of collectivists, and it still is, today. But now they think they don't have to hide it. We have moved ever closer to collectivism, and the American people, who mostly do not pat any attention to politics until a couple of months before an election when lies are flying, don’t even realize it. Watch this video and be scared . . . I am, and have been for a long time. (You Tube)

We Got Gravitas!

Remember when the Democrats opined that “none of the Republicans running for president had ‘gravitas?’ “ Whatever THAT means. Well, let’s look at a few things that people they figure DO have “gravitas” have visited upon us: The TSA’s scanning and groping system; Obamacare; Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and the mortgage crisis; Our tax code; Our federal and state budget deficits; Our (purposely failed) immigration system. We need gravitas, because gravitas has worked so well so far.” (Stolen from ProfessorWilliam Jacobsen, Associate Professor, Cornell Law School)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Sheriff Burns Down Private Home

The reason given is that it is “filled with explosives” and it would be too dangerous to try and empty it. They HOPE there will be no explosion. That the flames will be so hot they will kill that possibility. They “hope.” The “dirty little secret” here is it is a rental property and the home owner is NOT the one who put the explosives in there. But the homeowner loses because the Sheriff is NOT going to pay them for the house.

What I want to know is under WHAT LAW does this sheriff burn this house down without paying the owner its value? WHAT LAW allows the cops to burn down somebody’s private property without paying the owner for its value? ARE we now under a “police state” that allows the cops to do just whatever they want to do? I recommend the owner SUE the sheriff for the value of the home, PLUS damages and loss of rental income. (The Blaze)

Soros: "China Has Better-Functioning Government"

I bet they have. They can just kill you if they don’t like what you’re saying about them. Obama can’t, although he’d like to. George Soros would like very much to be “in the driver’s seat” so he could manipulate us DIRECTLY, instead of Indirectly, as now. It’s not surprising that he “admires” a totalitarian government like communist China. They DO “get things done.” But do WE want such a government DICTATING what we can, and cannot do? I don’t think so. (The Blaze)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

"Disrespectful to Non-Christians"

How is a Christmas display in a Christian country including the Baby Jesus that has been up for 57 years “disrespectful” to ANYONE? and who cares if it is? In a country that was STARTED by Christians, how could this BE? There are NO displays of Baby Jesus in Muslim countries, and there will never be. Because it’s AGAINST THEIR LAW to represent ANY religion but the Muslim religion. That’s “disrespectful” to ME. That OFFENDS me! Will they put one up because of that? Not a chance! They don’t care what offends me. I’m an “Infidel.” That means they want to KILL me. So why should they worry about what offends me? (The Tree of Liberty)

Disabling Cell Phones In Cars

As an excellent example of punishing all for the wrongs of a few, Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood says there will soon be cell phone disabling technology REQUIRED to be installed in ALL cars so NOBODY can talk on a cell phone in a car . . .any time. Even when an emergency occurs. Think about it. Some idiot runs you off the road and you hit a tree. You’re pinned in, unable to get out. You try your cell phone, and . . .nothing. You’re in an inaccessible spot where nobody can see you.

You wait, and wait, all the time in excruciating pain . . .until you die from exposure and the injuries you got in your accident. These are the things bureaucrats like LaHood do not think about until AFTER somebody dies. Then he “leaps to the rescue” and does what he should have done before and gets credit for "fixing" it. This is the way the government operates. Punish EVERYBODY for the sins of a few, rather than make it worse ONLY for those who are “the sinners.” If I’m still alive when this comes out, I’m going to disable it. If that makes me a criminal, so be it. (The Blaze)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Palin's "Slip of the Tongue"

At every opportunity, Democrats (and sometimes Republicans, too) rip Sarah Palin, saying she hasn’t enough “experience” and “knowledge” to be president. So she accidentally said “North” instead of “South” when referring to our “South Korean allies.” So what? At least she doesn’t think we have 57 states, as Obama does, or think we planted a flag on Mars, as liberal Democrat Shiela Jackson Lee does. She must really scare the pants off liberals in both parties, or they wouldn’t “single her out” for every faux pas she makes, while ignoring those made by Democrats and other liberals, chiefly Obama. Come 2012, they’ll have eight years to “single her out” while ignoring the goofs of liberals. (Big Journalism)

It's NOT "Society's Fault!"

Collectivists (liberals) are still preaching the LIE that criminals are “shaped” by their society and thus, their criminal acts are not their fault. They are the fault of society. But they’re wrong. The crimes committed by criminals are THEIR FAULT. There are many people who grew up under the exact same circumstances as I was, and they became criminals. I did not. Conversely, many criminals grew up rich, never wondering where their next dollar was going to come from, had exemplary parents, who gave them everything they wanted. They became criminals in spite of it. The fact remains that some people are BORN criminals. Society had nothing to do with it. (Just common sense)

"Under the Radar"

Oil is nearing $90 a barrel again, and nobody cares. They got used to $3 and higher per gallon prices during the last “put up” oil crisis so this isn’t such a “big thing” to them. They survived before, and these prices can’t last, they tell themselves. The liberal media ignores it, and we have to depend on sources they hate (other than the gas pump itself) to learn of it. What’s new about that? The liberal news media has long ignored such things because they might reflect badly on the president. But if we don’t do something to reduce our dependence on foreign oil, such as using synthetic oil in huge quantities, we’re going to soon be seeing $10 a gallon gas. (Breitbart, another source George Soros hates)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

What Happened to ACORN?

ACORN was very instrumental in getting Obama and a lot more Democrats elected by their ballot-box stuffing and purposely inaccurate vote-counting activities. They were found to be willing to FINANCE a whorehouse operation and lie to the government to cover it up. They have DISBANDED. But they’re still there, operating under MANY different names, as liberal organizations always do when they’re found out. They reorganize under different names, so we won't know they're still operating. But if you look at the NAMES of the people involved, you can ferret it out. But that's a lot of work, and not many want to do it. That's what they count on. (The Blaze)

SIEU Members Counting Ballots

How is this possible? Everybody KNOWS SEIU members are HEAVILY BIASED toward Democrats and they will fine EVERY excuse to put ANY ballot in the Democrat column, thereby STEALING the election for the Democrat. This is how Democrats gain and stay in power. They have infiltrated the election workers and see to it that EVERY election that is close, goes Democrat. Something needs to be done about the Democrats who inhabit the election vote-counters. But as long as Democrats are in control of so much of the process of running this country, that isn’t going to happen. (The Blaze)

Saturday, December 4, 2010

"Supply Side Economics Doesn't Work"

The liberals call it “trickle-down economics,” or “Reaganomics.” Those terms were terms of derision, coming from liberals. They scoffed at (and still scoff at) the whole idea that “the rich” actually CREATE jobs as they go about investing their money in various projects that DO create jobs AND profits, both of which create taxable income. But it DID work, no matter how much they deny it today. They call us all sorts of names if we believe in it, but they can’t DISprove it. They don’t even try. They just call us names and ignore the argument. That’s how they always handle it when they can’t answer an argument with facts. They just call us names and ignore the argument, itself. (Just common sense)

Peelosi's "Achievement Party"

She thinks what she did was an “achievement.” She actually thinks helping Obama’s scam to take over 1/7th of the American economy and plunge us into socialism is “an accomplishment.” She is STILL in “deep denial.” Americans need to disabuse her of this notion. She’s “having a party” in Washington, attended by all her socialist friends, to CELEBRATE this theft of America’s property. Gad, this woman is STUPID! She doesn’t know that the only reason she is still a senator (though she just lost her power as Speaker) is that she lives in a city, within a state, that is overwhelmingly liberal and socialist-leaning.

They wouldn’t recognize a bad thing if it was shoved up their behinds. This is how Germany got Hitler. How other previously free countries got their dictators. I’m only thankful that they are ALL so blind that we can “come up on their blind side” and remove them from power in time, before they make unconstitutional laws to prevent it. They have no idea that the MAJORITY in this country is AGAINST them. So go on, Nancy. Party on! We’ll arrive soon to “take you out.” (The Blaze)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Don't Be Ashamed to Be Rich

Many rich people are just ashamed to BE rich. They should not be. They are the ones who keep the “motor of the world” running. They INVEST their money in projects that create jobs for the rest of us. They are the ONLY people who CAN create jobs. Government CANNOT create jobs. It CAN create an atmosphere where the free market and “the rich” CAN create jobs while also creating more taxable income. It can also (and usually does) create an atmosphere where it is IMPOSSIBLE to create new jobs. They think if all the money isn’t coming to THEM, it’s bad for the country.

But it’s not. They don’t know this, and won’t admit it. Rich people not only create jobs, they create other rich people. Bill Gates not only created many well-paying JOBS, he also created a large number of RICH PEOPLE. He does not, like “Scrooge McDuck,” just sit on his piles of money and let coins run through his fingers. He USES it to make MORE money, and when he does, he creates both jobs and more rich people, even if politicians (who create nothing but new laws to cost us more money) will not admit it. To me, this simply means those politicians are INCOMPETENT. (Just common sense)

Time "Honors" Glenn Beck

Time Magazine, who isn’t too particular about who they name “Man of the Year,” has named Glenn Beck “Person of the Year” this year with an insulting picture of Glenn on the cover and the headline, “Mad Man.” “Mad Man” for what? For taking on one of the richest men in the world, George Soros? For challenging Soros to prove what he says about him is wrong? For telling the truth about one of the most dangerous men in the world? A man who has destroyed the economy and money of FOUR countries in the past, and who has said, right out, that America is his next “target?” They’ll put Soros on their cover next. (The Blaze)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

They Have the Power

Washington has decided they have the power to control your light switch without congressional approval. All they have to do is put out a “directive” and they can just “turn you off” if you’re using too much power. It almost seems like there is a power shortage in this country. There isn’t, but they want you to think there is. It’s how they do things in Washington. They CREATE a “crisis,” even if there is none. Then they publicize that “crisis” until some of you demand a “solution.” Then they “offer a solution” that will ultimately take away some more of your rights and more of your money. But they don’t tell you that. They extol the “benefits” of their “solution” without mentioning the drawbacks.

And those who “pay no attention to politics” (most of us) but who vote anyway, believe them. Pretty soon you’ll try and turn on a switch and it won’t work. Then you’ll call some number they’ve given you and spend a few hours on a “telephone tree” waiting to talk to someone who doesn’t care about what you want, anyway. The upshot will be that Washington will control your light switch and you won’t be able to do a thing about it except to buy lots of batteries—and soon buying those will be illegal. (Breitbart’s “Big Government”)

Politicians Are Incompetent AND Arrogant

That’s a dangerous combination. Obama thinks he is so much smarter than us ignorant constituents that he not only doesn’t need to pay attention to us, he needs to figure out a better way to get it through our thick skulls that what he has done, and what he is going to do is the RIGHT thing. We’re just too stupid to understand it. He just can’t understand that we KNOW that printing money with nothing valuable behind it is stealing the value of the money we HAVE. Or that the government spending our tax money will NOT make the business picture better; or that raising taxes when we’re already in money trouble only takes away MORE money from us, making it harder for us to survive. Politicians (mostly liberal) have been doing stupid, incompetent things for so long, when you point out their stupidities, they call US stupid and keep on doing them.

Yes, what they do is generally good for THEM, and keeps them in power over the rest of us. And that’s what they’re after. Obama, for instance, has said Jimmy Carter was one of our BEST presidents, well knowing he was one of the WORST. But he figures if he keeps saying it often enough, people will come to believe it. I could write on and on, on this subject, with illustration after illustration that people with COMMON SENSE will know is right, but I won’t. They do everything they can to make it hard on the very people who are the ONLY ones who CAN "create jobs," the businessmen whose invested money create the projects that DO create jobs. they tax them at a higher rate, and discriminate against them in every way they can. I know you’re smarter than he and his cronies are and will realize the truth of what I say (I hope). (Just common sense)