Tuesday, November 23, 2010

"Progressives" Now In Denial

Because they didn’t lose ALL the Democrat/far left seats, they think they’ve won. “While so called “centrist” or moderate democrats lost hugely, the Progressives lost only three members Alan Grayson, John Hall and Phil “don’t worry about the Constitution” Hare… [T]his means that Obama and the remaining Democrats now have nothing to lose by pushing hard to the left.” Maybe they didn’t lose ALL of them because few people RECOGNIZED them.

As people wake up more and more, and do their own research instead of depending on the election-time “attack ads” that usually lie, they’ll get rid of more and more of them. They just don’t get it: the people of this country want nothing to0 do with socialism, and will fight it to the last man . . .even if the far left DOES make “progress” on a short-term basis, they will “rise up and smite them” if (when) they try to go too far, as Obama has. Let him keep on with his excesses. That will just make it easier to get rid of him, as well as the far left “progressives.” (The Blaze)

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