Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Obama NEEDS Violence

He’s doing everything he can to incite violence among Americans because when it erupts, he is then able to do the drastic things he wants do to but doesn’t dare to do otherwise. Such as “crack down on the media,” which he is saying is INCITING the violence HE is inciting. He’s talking about that “dangerous, ARMED Tea Party.” The big lie is that the “right” is dangerous and armed, which it is not, on either count. Bill Ayers’ girlfriend, herself a terrorist, is now saying “a revolution is eminent.”

What she doesn’t say is that SHE will start it. Or her boyfriend will. With a president like Obama in office, appointing communists and other socialists to high office, they don’t even need to hide the fact that they are communists or socialists any more. So they proudly ANNOUNCE it and nobody does, or SAYS anything. They’re getting things ready for a revolution so they can “tighten up” on “regulations and make laws to further limit our freedoms. (Just common sense)

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